InterroLang: Exploring NLP Models and Datasets through Dialogue-based Explanations

While recently developed NLP explainability methods let us open the black box in various ways (Madsen et al., 2022), a missing ingredient in this endeavor is an interactive tool offering a conversational interface. Such a dialogue system can help …

Multilingual Coreference Resolution: Adapt and Generate

The paper presents two multilingual coreference resolution systems submitted for the CRAC Shared Task 2023. The DFKI-Adapt system achieves 61.86 F1 score on the shared task test data, outperforming the official baseline by 4.9 F1 points. This system …

Factuality Detection using Machine Translation - a Use Case for German Clinical Text

Factuality can play an important role when automatically processing clinical text, as it makes a difference if particular symptoms are explicitly not present, possibly present, not mentioned, or affirmed. In most cases, a sufficient number of …

Towards Efficient Dialogue Processing in the Emergency Response Domain

In this paper we describe the task of adapting NLP models to dialogue processing in the emergency response domain. Our goal is to provide a recipe for building a system that performs dialogue act classification and domain-specific slot tagging while …

MultiTACRED: A Multilingual Version of the TAC Relation Extraction Dataset

Relation extraction (RE) is a fundamental task in information extraction, whose extension to multilingual settings has been hindered by the lack of supervised resources comparable in size to large English datasets such as TACRED (Zhang et al., 2017). …

VendorLink: An NLP approach for Identifying & Linking Vendor Migrants & Potential Aliases on Darknet Markets

The anonymity on the Darknet allows vendors to stay undetected by using multiple vendor aliases or frequently migrating between markets. Consequently, illegal markets and their connections are challenging to uncover on the Darknet. To identify …

Are the Best Multilingual Document Embeddings Simply Based on Sentence Embeddings?

Dense vector representations for textual data are crucial in modern NLP. Word embeddings and sentence embeddings estimated from raw texts are key in achieving state-of-the-art resultsin various tasks requiring semantic understanding. However, obtaining embeddings at the document level is challenging due to computational requirements and lack of appropriate data. Instead, most approaches fall back on computing document embeddings based on sentence representations. Although there exist architectures and models to encode documents fully, they are in general limited to English and few other high-resourced languages. In this work, we provide a systematic comparison of methods to produce document-level representations from sentences based on LASER, LaBSE, and Sentence BERT pre-trained multilingual models. We compare input token number truncation, sentence averaging as well as some simple windowing and in some cases new augmented and learnable approaches, on 3 multi- and cross-lingual tasks in 8 languages belonging to 3 different language families. Our task-based extrinsic evaluations show that, independently of the language, a clever combination of sentence embeddings is usually better than encoding the full document as a single unit, even when this is possible. We demonstrate that while a simple sentence average results in a strong baseline for classification tasks, more complex combinations are necessary for semantic tasks.

Exploring Paracrawl for Document-level Neural Machine Translation

Combining Noisy Semantic Signals with Orthographic Cues: Cognate Induction for the Indic Dialect Continuum

We present a novel method for unsupervised cognate/borrowing identification from monolingual corpora designed for low and extremely low resource scenarios, based on combining noisy semantic signals from joint bilingual spaces with orthographic cues …

Multilingual Relation Classification via Efficient and Effective Prompting

Prompting pre-trained language models has achieved impressive performance on various NLP tasks, especially in low data regimes. Despite the success of prompting in monolingual settings, applying prompt-based methods in multilingual scenarios has been …